Contract Templates for Lead Gen Agencies

In this Guide, you'll find the 4 most important contract templates for a Lead Gen Agency

Contracts and legal stuff are nightmares of all entrepreneurs.

So, we’ve decided to do the job for you. We’ve consulted our lawyers and best practices and come up with the four most important contracts you’ll need as a Lead Gen Agency.

Below are the contracts for:

  • Hiring a contractor (VA or some other employee)

  • Closing a deal with a client on a pay-per-meeting basis

  • Closing a deal with a client with a one-off setup and a pay-per-meeting basis

  • Closing a deal with a client on a monthly retainer basis

Let’s quickly go through them.

If you’re in a hurry, here are the quick links to access the contract templates. Simply visit the link, make a copy of a doc, fill in the blanks, and you’re ready to go.

However, if you have 5 minutes to spare, we recommend reading the entire guide. We’ll point you to some specific parts to pay attention to.

Hiring a contractor

As soon as you get more clients, you’ll need to delegate some part of your delivery mechanism to other people.

That can be, among other things, list building, response management, sales, or client onboarding.

Before you decide to delegate something, make sure to watch our Delegation Guide for Lead Gen Agencies to make sure that you’re delegating the right stuff.

It would be foolish to hire someone without signing a contract, mainly because:

  • They can disclose your intellectual property or confidential information

  • No one worth hiring will accept to work with you without a secure payment.

So, a contractor contract is a must.

Simply make a copy of this post, fill in the blanks, and you’re ready to go.

Closing a deal with a client on a pay-per-meeting basis

Especially if you’re just starting out, you’ll probably work on a pay-per-meeting basis.


It’s the less-risk option for your client. They have nothing to lose, and they’ll pay you only after you present the results.

What should you know about this contract?

  • This contract is specific to lead gen agencies only

  • Make sure to fill in all the blanks

  • According to this contract, the Client has a 30-day cancellation notice. This way, you’re protected, but not all clients will be happy with this. If you’re just starting out, feel free to change this number to meet their standards.

  • Make sure to add your country as the governing law. If you’re outside the US, the Client might not sign a contract where the governing law is in a, for example, some third-world country in Asia, Africa, Europe, or the Americas. Feel free to change the governing country to the United States of America if this is the case.

  • According to this contract, the Client must pay you for the meetings booked in the previous month by the 15th of the following month. You must send your invoices for the previous month on the 1st of the current month.

Closing a deal with a one-off setup and a pay-per-meeting basis

This is probably the second business model you’ll use in your lead-gen agency journey.

Once you close a few clients, get them results, and become confident in your process and delivery mechanisms, you can start charging a one-off setup fee at the beginning of the collaboration.

This one-off setup fee is intended to cover your expenses at the beginning and kickstart your cash flow.

What should you know about this contract?

  • Make sure to precisely write down what’s the scope of the one-off setup

  • For the one-off setup, you’ll get paid immediately after signing the contract or in no more than 3 days.

  • Everything else remains the same as in the pay-per-meeting-only contract.

Closing a deal with a monthly retainer

This is the dream of every Lead gen Agency. At this point, you no longer depend on how many meetings you book each month (well, you still do kinda, but not in a stressful way).

Instead, you get paid a fixed amount every month.

What should you know about this contract?

  • Here you’re paid a fixed amount every month for a specific set of meetings you book

  • Make sure to specify in the contract what’s the range of booked meetings you’re aiming for (for example, from 10 to 16).

  • All the payments are coming to you upfront. In more detail, according to this contract, you invoice the clients on the 1st of every month for the following month, and they must pay you in 15 days.

  • According to this contract, if you don't meet your minimum monthly quota, you’ll need to reimburse your clients for the missed lead’s worth.

    The worth of missed leads is calculated by dividing the monthly retainer by the average number of leads you need to bring each month.

    For example, if you’re charging $5000 a month for 10-16 clients, your leads’ worth is $5000/13 = $385

    If you brought 8 leads (instead of 10, which is the minimum) in the previous month, for the previous invoice, you’ll invoice your client $5000 - 2x$385 (for two missed leads).

    With this business model, you get paid less if you underdeliver, but your “mistake chance” is smaller since you get paid the same amount for both 10 and 16 leads.

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